Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Chocolate Gravy

Chocolate Gravy

1 Cup Sugar
3-4 Tbsp. Cocoa (I use 4)
2 Tbsp. flour

Add just enough water to make a paste.

Now, add
1 cup milk
1/4 - 1/3 stick of butter
1/4 tsp. Vanilla

Cook on medium-high until mixture is of gravy consistancy, stirring constantly.

Put this on your biscuits or toast. :)


  1. I looked at your "flickr" photos: I find #28 the most impressive. I really shows how great your belly has become.

  2. Great idea to show recipes with calories. Too many gainers seem to depend on (relatively expensive) fast food to put on weight. I hope you have other recipes to share.

  3. thanks for commenting! Be sure to let me know of you ever want to chat. :)
