Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Chocolate Gravy

Chocolate Gravy

1 Cup Sugar
3-4 Tbsp. Cocoa (I use 4)
2 Tbsp. flour

Add just enough water to make a paste.

Now, add
1 cup milk
1/4 - 1/3 stick of butter
1/4 tsp. Vanilla

Cook on medium-high until mixture is of gravy consistancy, stirring constantly.

Put this on your biscuits or toast. :)

Friday, August 21, 2009

Q & A

Thanks for letting me know that there are people who do read this blog.

In this post, I'll answer some of the most common questions that I get asked.

Q: Are you straight, gay, or bi?
A: Straight

Q: What do you weigh?
A: Right now I fluctuate between 225 and 228.

Q: Do you use any chat clients/would you like to chat?
A: I love to chat! I have YIM (it started working again) nivende. I also have MSN(@live.com), AIM, and Google Talk nivende1.

Q: How old are you?
A: I am 20.

If you have any other questions, you can send me an email to one of the addresses above or send me an IM. :)

Saturday, August 15, 2009


To keep up to date on my gain, check out my flickr photostream.


Thursday, August 13, 2009

Future Updates

I'm not sure if anyone even reads this. So, I'll only update again if someone comments on my posts and lets me know that I'm not just doing this for myself.