Thursday, November 26, 2009


This is by far one of my favorite holidays. :) SO MUCH FOOD! I started my day of food around noon with my step-dad's side of the family. OMG they can COOK! My step-aunt doesn't use recipes. She just starts with something and tastes a little along the way and just knows what to add. She made a dish with twice-baked potatoes, cheese (both baked in and a layer on top), chives, and topped with bacon. AMAZING! Needless to say, I stuffed myself silly there. :P

I came home for about 2 hours (we got to keep most of the leftovers :D). I continued to munch on turkey and ham and had an oatmeal creme pie. Then I went to my grandmother's to have another dinner with dad's side of the family. As soon as I walked in the door (they don't see me much. They are a bunch of asses, but you didn't hear it from me. lol), I heard from about 5 different people. "You've just turned into a big man!". I love that. :) I also got other comments like, "You've really filled out!" and "If you would have filled out like that in high school, they would have begged you to be on the football team.". So yeah, my family has noticed. :) Stuffed myself to the max there too. My grandmother fixed me a plate of smoked ham that could have easily fed two people. I ate it as soon as I got home, all of it. A couple of you saw that live on cam. :)

After totally stuffing myself, I had to lay down. So I went and laid in the bed and watched anime for a couple of hours and munched on 2 more oatmeal creme pies. Then I went and got a HUGE bowl and filled it with ice cream. One of you saw me eat all of that one on cam.

Now, here I lay in bed, filled to the brim. I have never been this heavy before. The scale says I'm at 239 right now. My normal weight is 234. :P I'm a pig. OINK! I did manage to get up and waddle to the bathroom to make a new vid for your viewing pleasure, nothing fancy. I was just showing off how full I was. :) I absolutely love this feeling of being full to the max. :)

I also put up a donation button on the left side of the screen. I don't really expect anything from it, but a couple of you have already found it, and my stomach and I thank you. All donations go straight to food. :) If you'd like I could even show you on Yahoo! webcam the results or even me eating the food. :P As one of my donors can attest, the more you give me the faster I get fatter. I got a hefty donation from this person and I have grown substantially over the past 2 weeks. :)

Anyway, that's all I can think to write for now. Hope it wasn't too boring. Hope you all had a happy thanksgiving.

God Bless,


Sunday, November 8, 2009


I know I don't post a lot on here. I just never know what to say. "Hi, I ate a lot today. Bye." just doesn't seem very interesting. lol.

That being said, I did eat a lot today. My mom noticed. She told me that I was being a "bottomless pit" today. I laughed at the comment and told her that her cooking was just so good. :)

I'm still hanging around 230 lbs, but I feel like I am bigger. I'll let you be the judge. I've recently had a mysterious disease that has left me with a lingering cough. My doctor has put me on an inhaler to try and get rid of it and so far, so good.

I've had a few requests to show my face or speak in some of my YouTube vids. I must decline. The reason for this is that my family has no clue that I am doing this. They are just clumsy enough on the internet to accidentally stumble across vids like these. I cannot afford for them to find out that I am doing this on purpose. Therefore, I will not show my face or speak in my vids.

Anyway, that's all I can think of to write at the moment.

Until next time,
