Friday, April 29, 2011

Update 4/30

I'm not dead! We just had a TON of tornadoes rip through where I live. I was one of the fortunate ones that didn't have any damage. Sorry that I haven't posted an update in so long.

So, I'm still hanging around 243 pounds. Money is a little tight right now, so I probably won't be doing much growing for a little while. :(

I had an AMAZING experience since I last posted. I met up with a gainer buddy. We had a great time cuddling, belly rubbing, and eating. I really liked that. I'm pretty sure that when I have to get a roommate I want him to be a gainer.

Have you ever noticed someone at work or school that has been getting fatter? Have you ever wondered if they may be a closet gainer? There's a guy at work that is about 6'6" and used to be a skinny rail. He is getting quite hefty now. I've always thought that it'd be pretty cool to run across someone on beefyfrat or a similar site and realize that it is someone that I know. I guess that really boils down to I really want a local gainer friend. For there to be so many fat people in this state, there sure seems to be a lack of gainers.

A lot of you have been asking me to upload a new youtube vid. I haven't really been able to make much progress since my last video, so I don't feel the need to upload a new one. I will make a new vid as soon as I reach 250. I'm so ready to be there. (fast gaining tips are encouraged)

Again, I'll ask you for what you want to read. Leave me some suggestions in the comments. I really don't know what to say in this thing. Also, if you want to chat, the best way to reach me is via my yahoo IM account,

God bless,
