Sunday, November 8, 2009


I know I don't post a lot on here. I just never know what to say. "Hi, I ate a lot today. Bye." just doesn't seem very interesting. lol.

That being said, I did eat a lot today. My mom noticed. She told me that I was being a "bottomless pit" today. I laughed at the comment and told her that her cooking was just so good. :)

I'm still hanging around 230 lbs, but I feel like I am bigger. I'll let you be the judge. I've recently had a mysterious disease that has left me with a lingering cough. My doctor has put me on an inhaler to try and get rid of it and so far, so good.

I've had a few requests to show my face or speak in some of my YouTube vids. I must decline. The reason for this is that my family has no clue that I am doing this. They are just clumsy enough on the internet to accidentally stumble across vids like these. I cannot afford for them to find out that I am doing this on purpose. Therefore, I will not show my face or speak in my vids.

Anyway, that's all I can think of to write at the moment.

Until next time,


1 comment:

  1. Mmmm...these pics are fantastic! I totally understand about your reluctance to have your family find out. Good job staying anonymous this far! ;)
